السبت، 23 مايو 2015

Government Admits Big Pharma Poses Greater Danger To Teens Than Guns

Well file this one into the things that aren’t surprising category. A new study is showing that Big Pharma’s vast line of revenue driving pills are more problematic and dangerous to our teens than guns are. Why would anyone be surprised here?
(ANTIMEDIAnew study has shown that pharmaceutical drugs cause more overdoses and more deaths than all of the illegal drugs on the market combined. According to the government’s own statistics, listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, deaths relating to pharmaceutical drugs rose to roughly 23,000 last year, which accounts for over half of the total overdose deaths in the country for that time period.
The study concluded that, “Teens need help before they reach these tipping points for prescription drug abuse. Adults spotting teens with very high levels of anxiety and at least moderate use of other restricted substances should realize that these are students with a high likelihood of prescription abuse. Male teens with a high need to be popular and teens in general appear to be at exceptional risk. Campaigns must target parents as well, since they clearly underestimate both the physical risks of prescription drugs and the likelihood that their children will abuse these drugs.”
Big PHrma is literally fleecing our health on the daily, all while driving legislation that suits their profits. The more we make others aware of the situation the more we can do something about it. People are being led like sheep into the land of pills and ointments, most of which just aren’t necessary to their lives. Yet we have a society that virtually ignores it. Imagine if we raised as much concern over Big Pharma as we do over guns? We’d be a much different society, wouldn’t we?

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